Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The World in other words..My life.

My day starts with going to the restroom, Wash my face, brush mt flyaway hair, and try not to squeal...Eeeek....that scares me. Poor hubby, he has to wake up with a with that vision etched in his memory every morning. Bless him, he gives me a kiss and he tells me he loves me!!
 I have a couple of pictures to upload to show my Blackish eyes, and what my living room looks like, I think that it would wise for my friends and family to run for the hills, because I could easily bury someone under all of the totes and boxes. LOL!! I have set a goal to consolidate all of our Christmas decorations with his parents, and my Mothers collection. Then I will pack things in similar catergories, to make it easier each year to find the decoration I want to use for years to come.
I am also working on my projects for The Art for Molly. I am excited to be able to help out!!! And I can't wait until I can mail them off, I really think they will do well.
It is 3:23 am, And once again, sleep eludes me. Pain and nausea are beating mr up tonight!!

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