Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tomorrow I will try another tactic...

Everyday that goes by without hearing from my son is making me more determined not to allow The Virginia State Department of Corrections at Deep Meadow Correctional Center have a chance to treat another inmate like they have treated my son. In 2006, my son was severely burned in a gasoline explosion. In the course of his hospitalization, he went septic from MRSA. He had ran a fever all through the day. His Dad had just flew to Ohio where our son had been transported from Virginia. He was in The Shriner's Hospital and it had been a month since we had been away from home.
The Nurses felt like he was stable enough for my husband to take me to dinner outside of the hospital. When we returned, I thought his whole abdomen looked swollen. As Glenn and I were talking to the Nurse in his ICU room, there was a gurgling noise from his throat. As I glanced down, to my horror, yellow fluid started gushing out of trach, mouth, and nose. I yelled at the Nurse and Glenn to "Roll Him, he'll Drown!!" Glenn and I rolled him to his side. The Nurse hit the "code button" and started an IG tube down his nose and Glenn had the suction tube in his mouth, while I kept him from rolling back on his back.
It happened in a matter of seconds, but it is a vision I will never be able to forget. It was about 8-9pm when it happened. But it was around 1 am or so before Glenn and I left his room. We went to Whitecaslte, because it felt like we had never ate dinner. And we bought a Snack-Attack Pack" box of about 30 mini-cheese burgers for all of the Nurses, and everyone who worked straight through their own dinners.
So, ok....I might be a little overprotective concerning my son. Yeah, I get it. But ya know, I do not expect him to receive any "Special Treatment" just because he was burned before he made a very bad choice. Anyone who REALLY knows me, I mean really, really knows me, can tell you that this next statement is 100% correct: When the hospital called to tell me he was in a horrible accident, and it dawned on me that my husband and I were just talking about "the idiot that led the police on a high speed chase right at the split of I-95 and I-85, just down from us"....I Busted Out Laughing...Really...The Nurse was stunned when I told her "we were talking about the wreck on TV, and my Husband said,  Was it a silver van?"
Then I asked if he was bleeding or in any danger of dying. She said, No...and I asked if The Kids were with him..and she said, Yes. I asked if they were ok, if their Mom was there..blah, blah, blah...then, I will never forget her next question..."He wants to know if you will come here"....and I told her to "tell him it would be alot safer for him if I just stayed home." And I really wasn't joking.
The next day, as they signed the release papers from the hospital, he was officially arrested. And I did not answer his call from jail for bail, or money, and I was out of work so I was not going to hire an expensive Attorney.
Glenn, Jr. has served almost 2 years of a 3 1/2 sentence. And while he is an inmate in Prison, he still has the right to Medical Care. He had 6-8 flare-ups of MRSA while at Riverside Regional Jail. It was always the same story..He would get a huge bump, similar to a boil. It would turn into a very large abcess by the time he would get to see a Nurse. And mind you, I consider the source, after a couple days of him calling home..I would call Medical. He even had 2 at one time, 1 in each nostril. Can you imagine how nasty that was when it burst..Yuck!!
Then, he called me in June, I was awaiting my results from my second CT Scan, to see if all of the Bilateral Nodules were lung cancer. He had a massive on his elbow, and one in his abdomen. After more than a week of trying to explain his flare-ups of MRSA, I got fed up and started E-Mailing the top Admin. of Inmate Services and Housing. He made sure that Jr was seen by the Dr. However, while the massive lesion on the elbow was able to "burst", the infection in his abdomen was not of "a cellular make-up" It was a monster pocket of  "yellowish fluid".
From one Hospital, he was transferred to another when it became apparent that he would need to be hospitalized for a couple more weeks. From there, he was processed into Powhatan Medical Unit. By then, I had my Open Lung Biopsy....and this crazy diagnosis followed. ask....what is the point???? Yeah, I am asking that too. WHY did I have to drive up to DMCC on 1/16/12, forgoing my pain medicine, so I could see my son and talk to The Chief Admin. on Duty?? WHY has the Medical Unit REFUSED to discuss my son's condition with me even though he signed a release form, until 1/17/12....when The Nurse Adminis. called me to tell me she had just had my son in her office "To give him a dressing down for being spoiled and letting a pimple turn into a boil" Why did I have to find out later that evening from another inmate's Mother, that they "gave him 5 days in The Hole"?? When I asked if the culture was MRSA...I was told it "showed a SCANT BIT of MRSA"  
And I am fed up after talking to an Aide/Admin at The Office of Public Safety at Governor McDonnel's Office on Thurs, 1/26, and providing a lot more details, names and the fact that the Nurse Admin. at DMCC told me that "they did not have any single cells they had to put him in Building M...A DIFFERENT KIND OF ISOLATION"
Yes, mind you...everyone knows not to mess with what is the point in all of this????

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