Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pain, pain, go away....

I said that to my Hubby this morning. Kinda funny, in that "You had to be there" way. After I said it in a sing-song voice, I could n't get the tune out of my mind. So, all day today I hummed...Pain, pain, go way...Come again another day...LOL.
From what I am beginning to understand about LCH, is that it most often a condition that forever changes your life. Your daily life consists of varying degrees of pain, often severe, and constant fatigue. It drags out, in most cases, for years.
When this all started in March of 2011, I had never heard of this condition. We all thought it was lung cancer, especially after there was a 2 month waiting period in between the 1st and 2nd CT Series done. Following the 2nd, the look on my Pulmonary Specialist's face when he read the report was an expression I will never forget. He couldn't hide his shock, and had me in to the Surgeon in a day and a half. The surgeon told my Hubby that it was not cancer, but Pathology would determine exactly what kind of condition I had. I am really not sure which was/is worse.

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