Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It has not made me stronger

Today I went to the support group on Facebook for Adults with some form of Histio, Adult Histio Warriors. It is a closed group. We can be there for each other, and talk about things like symptoms, that we would not want to shout out to the rest of the public. And for real, we have some awesome people in our group. I am humbled by the strength of the people who are fighting this disease.
But one particular post caught my attention. One of the women who has been diagnosed for quite awhile said something to the effect...If One more Person tells me that God only gives you what He thinks you can handle....Well, I don't remember exactly what she said...but I have said that many, many times. And things that don't kill ya makes ya stronger....
Nope, it is not true. I believe in God. I believe in the power of prayer. I do not think that after years and years of going through Physical and Mental Hell that it makes you makes you numb. Seriously, I just think that most people do not want to admit it. I am ready to shout it to the Grand Canyon.
For at least 7 years, our Family has been tortured. Yes, I did say it, Tortured. Both Mothers struggled with Cancer. Father-in-Law had Cancer, then Alzheimer's, our Son was burned, our health declined, our son went to prison, we are still taking care of Dad, and I have Histio. I think I will take a Xanax

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