Monday, January 23, 2012

It is about..blah

Yes, it is blah for today. Typical for Virginia, January. Gray, cold, and drizzly, perfect for hiding at home. I had an early morning appointment, and left so disgusted, I came home and went back to bed.
I have lived most of my Adult life in pain and stomach issues with Chron's. I always believed it was mind over matter, and life goes on. Only during the rare "flare ups" once or twice a year did I really could not help it but, it would make me sick enough to "put me down".
Since March of 2011, the beginning of my issues with Histiocytosis, I never thought I would have to deal this the extent of pain and lousy symptoms that go along with this condition. It really makes me shudder to realize that this is a rare..Childhood Cancer-Like condition. So, while it is rare in children, it really does affect so many more children than Adults. And I really hate to think of a child going through what I am going through..especially the little babies.
Oh, I am really in a unique position. Having had an infant diagnosed with ultra-rare cancer, then provided daily care for my Mother during the battle she lost, I have had those perspectives. But, now fighting my own battle..I guess I just never realized how much conditions like this really sucked.

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